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On-Site Training & Workshops


"From Aces to Resilience"

Audience: Parents, Social Workers, Nurses, Teachers, Case Managers, Therapist, Counselors, EMS, Fire Fighters, Lawyers, Law Enforcement

This workshop provides an evidenced based, hands on approach to teaching specific resilience skills in nontraditional ways. Participants will learn a specific strength based, step by step process that can be immediately implemented. This session is based on the Adverse Childhood Experience study conducted by Kaiser Permanente and the CDC.

Conference Event

"Hitting the Refresh Button"

Audience: Social Workers, Nurses, Teachers, Case Managers, Therapist, Counselors

This introductory workshop focuses on the warning signs of compassion fatigue for the direct service professional. The biological impact of high levels of stress and the long-term consequences of chronic stress are examined. Participants will learn practical hands on strategies for self-care and other prevention techniques.

Thinking Man on Couch

"Compassion Fatigue Prevention and Compassion Rediscovery"

Audience: Supervisors, Managers, Leaders, Administrators, Policy Makers, Social Workers, Counselors

While self-care is vital for helping professionals, organizations have a responsibility to address the issue of compassion fatigue from an expanded context. Organizations may inadvertently blame individuals for not doing enough self-care, which can create a re-traumatization of the workforce. Participants will leave this workshop with specific steps that can be immediately implemented at the personal and organization level.

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